Monday, December 15, 2008

Monday - 48 hours to go

Well the energy didn't continue. Back to dragging my butt out of bed & moving slow.

The sleep pattern didn't change either. Can't get to sleep then once asleep - can't get up. Ugh!

I'm making sure all my affairs are in order today. Living Will & all that. (This is a good thing and should've been done before this). Previously I made letters to my kids & have updated them from year to year letting them know how much I love them & leaving them with fatherly advice - "don't get married until you're 28" etc.

I'll stick an extra note in the letters with full disclosure.

Sidenote: I read in a Dr Phil book that he had done the same but did it on video. I kind of like the idea. I'm not sure I'll get to it before Wed but its definately on the to-do list for the future. I won't want it to be a tear jerker - more of a celebration of all the good times & a heartfelt "I love you" to each of them. Maybe include a couple of my favorite pictures of them & what in the picture I really liked. My computer has a video editing software package on it.

My caretaker just called. I'm going to spend the night with him Tuesday because he lives closer to the hospital & we have to be there so early. He's a hoot. I'd love to be conscious when the doctor talks to him - he'll have 200 questions. Great friend.

I'm off to do some laundry & maybe a little work.

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